Pepper Infused Vodka


How to make Pepper Infused Vodka as well as all about the goodness of Pepper! Get more recipes like this in my book, The Conscious Alcoholic, available at

PLEASE NOTE: I used 3 oz of peppercorns because I LOVE pepper. If you are less of a spice lover, I recommend starting with 1 oz and increasing if you desire more. My recipe was 1 litter of vodka to 3 oz of peppercorns (black, red, and white mixed). Let rest a few days to a week or until the desired flavor is achieved.

The Benefits of Black Pepper:

– Warming effect inside the body – Cooling effect outside the body. It’s a diaphoretic, meaning that it assists the opening of the pores of the skin to promote sweating (cooling).

– Strengthens the Lungs.

– Increases immunity.

– Counteracts food poisoning.

– Stimulates digestion

Benefits of Red Pepper: – Similar to above but also used to prevent Malaria and all cold conditions.

Benefits of White Pepper: – Similar to Black Pepper but more focused towards moving dampness and mucous from the body.

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